Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I've Been Tagged This Time...

Rules: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Jamie tagged me, and I copied this text directly off her blog, can you tell, J?
1) I went to kindergarten twice. (No, I didn't fail...(come on, People, aren't you my friends?!) In NJ (where I was born), they start K at age 4, then we moved to Charlotte when I was 5.. which is the age they start K here.)
2) I believed in Santa Claus until second grade (in fact, I brought a show-n-tell from my grandfather (aka "Gramps") and told my entire classroom they were Rudolph's REAL bells! Yep, my Gramps had told me so. That was the day I learned Santa was a lie. *sniff
3) When I was fifteen, I said I never wanted to have kids. I said a lot of things in those days....
4) I once wanted a hundred cats. *blech*
5) I once wanted to marry Michael Jackson. (ok, I'm trying to be humble here....)
6) I drew the tattoo for one of my bosses. A "Gold's Gym" guy. (I recently was thinking about how strange that is.)
7) I pierced my own ears... five times, and I pierced my brother's ear.
8) I had my first apartment when I was a senior in highschool. Bad move.
9) I once collected spiders. ew.
10) And ants, which ate through the baggie inside my desk at school and invaded the classroom. They were red ants.... I got called to the principal's office (and they called my parents!). Kinda harsh, eh?
Ok, I tag Becky, Jess, Jeanie, Lindsay, Lisa, Michelle, Reba, Meghann and Shawnda (again). Have fun, Ladies!


Madeira girl said...

Juli, that is fun! Thanks for sharing all of those crazy facts about yourself! I don't know if I can come up with so many for me... :)

Jessica Moore said...

Hey, you said 8 things. Stop making the rest of us look bad!!! :)

JJandFive said...

Well, Jess, I couldn't help it... I thought you guys would get a kick out of the spiders and ants ; )

Anonymous said...

Hee Michael Jackson huh? Oh boy =) Mine was a little worse. Boy George. I was one sick little girl.

JJandFive said...

That is so funny, J!

Denise said...

Collected spiders? AND ants? You are an amazing lady Juli!

The list was really fun to read! Thanks for being humble and sharing some really interesting facts!