Saturday, October 6, 2007

Open Adoption Slideshow

Well, some of you know I was on a panel today for our adoption agency. John and I have had the privilege of speaking for them on several different occasions. Today, there was a new twist on my topic, in addition to just sharing "our story" of adopting five kids, CAS ( also asked me to speak about our open adoption arrangements.
Open adoption has many preconceived notions in society, which make their way into the hearts of nearly every potential adoptive parent. Now that John and I have been walking through open adoption situations with our last three children, we have learned that most, if not all these ideas are unfounded. We have received great joy through our relationships with all of our children's birthfamilies, even the ones that are more closed. But there is a unique joy that comes in having an actual relationship with the people who loved our children first. To learn about their background, their personalities, and MOST of all to allow our children to feel their love, first adoption has been nothing short of a blessing.
We love and respect our children's birthfamilies deeply.
In the slideshow I compiled for this meeting, you will see pictures of several of their families. I hope to honor each of the families represented in this slideshow, may God bless them and fill them with peace.


Anonymous said...

I just bet this video touched alot of hearts today Juli. You did an amazing job of putting it together. Thank you again for being Lauren's momma.

Madeira girl said...

I am sitting here crying because that video has so touched me. You guys are so full of love, I am thankful for your example. How blesses are these children to have so many people who love them! It makes my heart yearn for more! :)

JJandFive said...

awww... I'm sorry I made you cry, Becky!!!!

Lindsay said...

So well done my friend. That was sooooo sweet to watch. What a gift for these moms to not have to say good bye forever. Thank you for loving them and sharing this with all of us. Love you:)