John was ordained today, along with our friend, Joe Lechner. It was a glorious celebration of the grace of God. We are so thankful for our church and all the people there supporting us, including John's Mom, two of his sisters and their families.
I thought I'd follow Jeanie's example, and post what I shared to honor John this past Sunday. Love you, Boogs. : )
"When I went to bed the other night, I was pleased to find a note written by our nine-year-old daughter. Half of it was written to me, and half to John. To John, she had inscribed the Scripture from Col. 3:23 “Work heartily for the Lord, not for men.” Then she added: “Dear Daddy, I love you. Thank you for working on the yard every day, and for working hard for the Lord and being diligent. I know how hard it is, but keep up the good work. Love, Alyssa.”
It’s not unusual for Alyssa to make us cards, but what I appreciate most about her notes is her specific encouragement. When Alyssa looks at her Daddy, some very accurate things stand out to her. She sees that John is a hard worker.
While John was studying for ordination, I’m sure it stood out to all the children, what a hard worker he truly is! Alyssa even spent time reviewing John’s note cards with him, helping him memorize Scripture. Hours were spent at work, reading books and reviewing doctrine. The kids and I even spent a week at the beach, while Daddy stayed home and studied. Now that’s diligence!
But John is not only a hard worker when it comes to the ordination process or even the hours he spends caring for people here at CrossWay. He’s a hard-worker at home. Not only with mowing the lawn and caring for our yard, as Alyssa mentioned, but also taking care of the cars, or fixing things that are broken (which is more often than I’d like to admit!) … John also often helps me clean up around the kitchen. It is not unusual to find him loading the dishwasher after dinner, or wiping down the table. He is a huge blessing to me in that way.
In addition to being a pastor, John oversees his own software company. Writing software, handling technical-support, fixing problems with the software and dealing with accountants takes time and effort above and beyond what he does here at CrossWay.
John consistently wakes early to spend time with the Lord, heads off for a full day at work, and comes home to five energetic children and a worn-out wife. Almost every night after dinner, John brings the four oldest children to a nearby pond for fishing. I am confident the children will grow up with this as a favorite memory with their Dad. In fact, just last night Spencer gave John this [hold up toy] fishing pole and fish as a gift, and said “because you’re the best fisherman in the world!”
John, as Alyssa said, “thank you” that “whatever you do, [you] work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving”, Thank you for the example you are setting for our children in this area of your life.
I’d also like to thank John for his example of leadership in our family. Although you have joked to say “you led me down the path of destruction” during our dating days, in 1991 you led me down the aisle to rededicate our lives to the Lord. In 1992, you led us in making CrossWay our church home. After getting married in ‘93, you provided emotional stability and care through my struggles with infertility. You had faith to adopt each one of our five children, regardless of the varying medical, financial and legal difficulties accompanying each situation. You led us as a family when you quit your job at the Charlotte Observer to pursue Pastor’s College, relocating with four small children for ten short months. When my mother died, you provided a firm foundation for me, leading me with truth through my most difficult days.
But most importantly, you faithfully lead us in the day-to-day issues that arise in a family of seven. We know we are your priority in the midst of a busy schedule. For years, you have set aside your day off, just to spend time with us. We used to use that time to play, but instead you researched and planned activities to reach out and help others as a family.
I am so thankful for the spiritual leader you are at home, how you oversee Noah and Alyssa’s devotions and spend time with them each week as follow up. You are building a relationship with the younger children by taking them out to lunch and talking to them about their hearts.
Recently, while we were at a caregroup meeting, our babysitter called about an issue she was having with one of our children. John asked to speak with the perpetrator, and very patiently asked questions and helped that child to see their sin. Our child’s heart softened in the midst of this conversation with Daddy, and after apologizing to the babysitter, the child announced “I LOVE MY DADDY MORE THAN A HUNDRED DIAMONDS!” That patient, tender leadership is winning the hearts of our children.
As a spouse, you are my lover and my best friend and I always feel loved by you. Thank you for making your leadership a priority in our home, for pursuing godliness, for your hard work, for your care for us and for those around us. And … congratulations on your ordination. We love you and we’re proud of you!
Oh my goodness...Yall have me crying over here at work!! But in a good kinda way = ) You go John! Very sweet video Juli.
that's awesome, jul =) i especially love the video!
i wish we had known it was today :/
congratulations to john, we are very proud of him. the Lord's grace is evident in his life and his character.
love you!
Thanks for putting that video on there. Loved spending time with you last always, encouraging and inspiring. Thank you for your friendship!
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