Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Line 'Em Up

Last week, the kids learned about assembly lines. After their lesson, they all lined up to build candy cars. Everyone had a little job to complete. Alyssa attached the steering shafts and back "trunks", Noah did the steering wheels and front "bumpers", Spencer applied the wheels, and  Julianna added the seats.
What fabulous mechanics they'd make some day! (Well, except for the one that wanted to build hers "all by herself", but we resolved that little dilemma.) ; )


Madeira girl said...

Those look like they were a lot of fun to make! Where did you come up with the idea??

JJandFive said...

Bob Jones 5 Heritage Studies. ; )

Anonymous said...

Who was the one that wanted to build one all by herself and how did you fix it? = )

JJandFive said...

Alyssa. She's very into "crafts", so she wanted to make hers all by herself.
How did I "fix it"?-I threatened her life.
; ) Just kidding.
I just told reminded her about the lesson. Assembly lines require everybody doing their part. ; )

3orange1blonde said...

Yah, a little lock in the ol closet with a cup of water for a day and a "quit-chor complainin" talk does it! hee.
Skye says to me today when I was singing the pledge with him.."I can sing it alone and I don't want you to sing along. I already know how to sing and I've known it for 80 years now momma." Oh my..perhaps we shouldn't pair them together?

JJandFive said...

Yep. The ole' lock 'em in the closet routine ; ) Works every time.
Skye is hilarious. : )