Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Toothfairy Has Been Replaced!

Loose teeth are not uncommon in our home. Thursday, Alyssa lost a tooth, and after announcing her accomplishment she was generously rewarded $5 from her Grandpa!
As soon as Spencer recognized this lucrative opportunity, he began fervently wiggling one of his own loose teeth.
This particular tooth had already proved to be quite delinquent in its removal. (After all, Spencer is eight years old and has only lost two of his baby teeth so far!) Alyssa, observing the situation, offered her services to her baby brother. After much deliberation, Spencer acquiesced and allowed the young dental assistant to wrap his tooth in a paper towel and yank it right out of his mouth! (OUCH!)

1) Kids will do anything for money.
2) Grandparents are going to put the Tooth Fairy out of business. ($10 in one day for teeth! How can we ...errr... the Tooth Fairy ever measure up to such compensations?!)


Madeira girl said...

Yikes Spencer! I am impressed!

3orange1blonde said...

Um, this is not recommended..early removal can lead to issues know that!!!? hmm..perhaps we should set up a fund for those who wait should have set up an ITA (tooth account, instead of Retirement account)! that's too much money to be handing out..5 kids..20 teeth..yep..that's a lot!

JJandFive said...

I knew that post would get a rise out of the official dental assistant ; ) heehee : )

Wagener family fun said...

I feel your pain girl. The day we moved into our new house Lilly lost her front tooth. Well, it is late and we are exhausted and well no $ in our pockets only check cards. So, one of our dear friends who was helping us move hands over some $. Now I recognize that this is more than what our household toothfairy leaves but they were persistent in this is what should be left for a front tooth. So, the next morning we awake to a screaming girly who excitedly announces "The tooth fairy left me $6!!!"
Her brothers then give us the look of Hmm $6....
Lilly is now awaiting her other loose front tooth to come out. If only she knew that toothfairy has left the house.

JJandFive said...

I appreciate your sympathy, yet Grandpa is the one who needs it.... He doesn't know what he's in for. For now on the other children are going to be expecting the same kind of compensation ; )

Lindsay said...

Too funny! Love that Spence!

katie.rowland said...

that. is. HILARIOUS.....